Cooperative Coffees is a green coffee importing cooperative, committed to building and supporting "Fair and Direct" trade relationships for the benefit of small-scale farmer families, their communities and exporting cooperatives. We strive to promote transparent Fair Trade and sustainable development alternatives in both the North and the South, while continuing to sell the highest quality coffee on the market.

Cooperative Coffees is comprised of 23 community-based coffee roasters, spanning the continent from the Yukon to the panhandle of Florida. Committed to sourcing sustainably grown coffees and to partnering closely with the farmers who grow it, our roasters know that by working together, cooperatively, they can more readily impact and multiply the positive effects of their selective coffee purchasing.

We work in partnership with farmer cooperatives from all over the world, and maintain 28 direct and Fair Trade relationships in 13 coffee growing countries. These cooperatives are local organizations founded and democratically governed by the farmers themselves. They work towards sustainable development in their communities, and strive to produce and deliver exceptional specialty coffee. Cooperative Coffees is committed to helping these co-ops participate directly in and benefit from the world of international trade.